Accuracy - DWM1001


DWM1001 Manual has explained that X-Y location accuracy <10cm. Is there any possibility to get X-Y location accuracy in millimeter? Please advice.


Hi niles,

When using PANS, the DWM1001 (with PANS firmware) precision is in millimeters, but the accuracy is within 10cm. It is very challenging to measure distance to the mm with this technology.

Some of the DW1000 users have managed to measure distance around the around centimer accuracy, but this requires advanced software feature for filtering (such as particle filter).


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Hi niles,

When using PANS, the DWM1001 (with PANS firmware) precision is in millimeters, but the accuracy is within 10cm. It is very challenging to measure distance to the mm with this technology.

Some of the DW1000 users have managed to measure distance around the around centimer accuracy, but this requires advanced software feature for filtering (such as particle filter).


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