@ rmruthyun proposed an idea to convert LTspice A-device to Qspice Ã-device or ¥-device. It is a tedious process and requires a lot of knowledge and between these device model.
Support for LTspice A type models (Schmitt, OR, AND, ext)? - QSPICE - Qorvo Tech Forum
Here is a conversion results for LT1028.lib
As Qspice and LTspice are different (or my knowledge limitation), I cannot model all instance parameters and have to give up some of them during conversion, which included incm, incmk, en with equation and ilimit in diode model. But simulation result by compare to LT1082 demo circuit in LTspice is still identical. Up to now, I can successfully convert 3 subckt which include logic or OTA A-device, and with identical or very close simulation results.