I noticed that Mike only addressed the waveform data part of the suggestion.
Respectfully, QSPICE does need a pulldown menu feature to export the schematic to a file without requiring the user to use O/S features or screen capturing software to do it.
- Export Schematic to PNG file as Color
- Export Schematic to PNG file as Black
- Export Schematic to SVG file as Color
- Export Schematic to SVG file as Black
At a barebones minimum, sooner than later, the first two PNG features should be added to QSPICE.
In the long term, the SVG features needs to be added for professional quality results for use in printed publications / technical documents / college thesis / WORD / WRITER (LibreOffice) / …
If you really want QSPICE to be the modernized step-up in the simulation world, then you need to add new features (like this) to lock people into migrating and staying with QSPICE.