Read/write properties over BLE with gatttool

Hello @emathieu, welcome to the Decawave forum.

You can have a look at the Python script made by my colleague that uses the gatttool (through the pygatt wrapper).

Could you clarify what exactly you are trying to write and what version of Bluez you are using? Note that Bluez 4 has some known (but badly documented) issues when using LE devices.

Also note that the BLE API is only designed to work with the LEAPS app, so there are some weird quirks. One of these quirks is that the device auto-disconnects after a couple of seconds of BLE inactivity. It could be the device disconnects before you are able to read/write the characteristics you are interested in. I suggest subscribing to notifications as soon as youare connected to prevent disconnects.

You are right, this property seems to be read/write. I think this might be a mistake in the documentation.