
Hi Everyone;

I know that there are different types of ranging scheme and it is TWR that is implemented on MDEK1001. However, TWR has different types, single sided, double sided and son on. How do we know which one is implemented on it? And how can I disable it and use our own custom?


Release 1 uses DS-TWR, Release 2 will be SS-TWR.
This will not be configurable by the user.


I have a set of MDEK1001 Moludes but how can I know if they are relaese 1 or 2?
I also do not know which algorithm of trilateration is used for positio esimation?

Hi Sara,

The release 2 is not available yet so you currently have release one, which is based on Double Sided TWR.

Regarding the trilateration algorithm, it is not discolsed to customers. You will fine information about it in the document below, section 5

Thank you,

Hi Yves;

Thank you so much for your reply, the ducoment really helps. They use Maximum likelihood scheme. I know there are also other scheme for position estimation. Do you know how or if we can try other techniques as well?