QSpice under Wine in Linux

In prior art, I went to great lengths to get my Windows app to run on WINE. The worst was that WINE didn’t do Windows messaging correctly so I had to go to polled inter-thread communication from the native interrupt as the app used on Windows. There were about a dozen graphic rendering errors, too. In the end, it ran mostly right on WINE, but not perfectly. To WINE’s credit, they finally fixed windows messaging years later.

I gave up on WINE for QSPICE when I saw it converted DirectX12 calls to GDI. The problem is that that will be too slow and have pixelated graphics like the 1970s Pong game. I don’t see a path to getting QSPICE to a viable point on WINE. I’ll revisit it when WINE implements with DirectX12 API.

Maybe running QSPICE on a virtual machine on LInux would work. I think you’d need a Windows license(I know, the horror) and I don’t know if the GPU’s performance would come through the virtual machine.