QSpice under Wine in Linux

Here is finally an early beta version of the converter. There is still a lot missing, but you can already make tests with it. Since you can’t upload executables, I renamed it to “qeagle.h”. Before trying it out you have to rename it to “qeagle” without extend again. I hope it works on other computers too.
qeagle.h (130.6 KB)
Here is the basic library for EAGLE. It must also be renamed from “QSpice.h” to “QSpice.lbr” before use.
QSpice.h (41.3 KB)
Lastly, the notes describing how to use the program.
QEagleBeta.pdf (1.5 MB)

The program runs on Linux and is tested with Ubuntu 22.04. Windows users do not need the converter, because QSpice runs fine under Windows.

Have fun with it. Tom