QM33 SDK CLI skipping ranging sessions when connected to USB power only

@cewlsosyk , this issue is related to DWM30001CDK standalone operation without connection to USB UART - #16 by carlos.silva

The workaround here is to rebuild the application after removing the #if !defined(USB_ENABLE) as part of /DW3_QM33_SDK_1.0.1/SDK/Firmware/DW3_QM33_SDK_1.0.1/release/Src/Boards/Src/nRF52840DK/FreeRTOS/nRF52840DK.c

This workaround should allow for battery/power supply operation but will result in USB enumeration to take 14s at bootup.

I built the binary for you attached (please change the file extension from txt to hex as hex is not allowed to be uploaded here).
nRF52840DK-DW3_QM33_SDK_CLI-FreeRTOS.txt (1.3 MB)