Problem with receiving distance data via BLE

I’ve already found the solution.
I’ll keep the thread alive so people with similar problems can see my solution.

The problem was not caused by my DWM1001 Dev-Kit but by my mobile phone which runs Android. Android OS by default has a Bluetooth Low Energy MTU of 20 bytes. Once someone wants to establish a connection to a remote Bluetooth device, one can call BluetoothGatt.requestMtu(MTU) and receive a callback with onMtuChanged(). I simply set the MTU for my case to 33 and now I am able to receive 30 bytes per packet.

For some reason, setting the MTU to 30 is not enough. Then I only receive 27 bytes per packet. It seems like 3 bytes are reserved for headers or something similar.

Follow these links for further information:
requestMtu() Doc
onMtuChanged() Doc
