Possible bug when running .meas script from within the waveform viewer

Is it just me or is the first .meas statement ignored when running a file from within the waveform viewer (File->Run a .meas script)?
I tried with just an empty line in the beginning but that didn’t work. Also tried with an empty statement but no luck there either. As far as I can tell it requires a correctly formatted dummy .meas statement at the beginning of the file for the following statements to be evaluated correctly.

I can replicate your observation
1st line with * (comment line) and 2nd line with .meas can resolve this problem.
Not sure if 1st line is reserved for comment, as netlist (.cir) must have 1st line to be comment

Thanks for replicating it. That sounds like a plausible explanation to the behavior.
Looks like it’s just discarding the first non-empty line.

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