NFC example needed

Does someone have any working example of NFC T2T emulation with DWM1001C?
DWM1001C NFC works well with SDK example. But when I try to integrate it with PANS firmware its not working. It looks like softdevice is a problem because when I flash original firmare and then flash nfc sdk example its not working. I have to erase whole flash.

Hi @jeff160490
unfortunately the PANS is forcing to use NFC pins as GPIO - to be available for user so you cannot use NFC with PANS. There is no workaround for this.

Regarding the erasing whole flash) I don’t think you need to erase whole flash but you need to reboot the MCU while you change change the NFC pins functionality.


Thank you very much for your reply. I tried erase UICR flash region and I had got FFFFFFFF value in NFCPINS register.
But anyway reboot is necessary and then PANS forces it again to GPIO functionality right?

Hi @jeff160490
yes the PANS is checking the NFC pins configuration after reboot. When it detect the improper configuration then it forces the default (GPIO) one.
