MQTT specifications

Hi Luca,

here is a list of uplink topics (from the UWB network to the MQTT Broker):

{prefix}/node/{deviceId}/uplink/config - last known configuration (MQPP.retain = true). Whenever an edge-node changes its configuration a new message is published.

{prefix}/node/{deviceId}/uplink/status last known status - online/offline status (MQPP.retain = true). Whenever an edge-node changes its state a new message is published (QoS is 1).

{prefix}/node/{deviceId}/uplink/location - last known location (MQPP.retain = true). Whenever an edge-node reports a new location a new message is published (QoS is 0).

{prefix}/node/{deviceId}/uplink/data - user data (MQPP.retain = false). Whenever an edge-node sends new data (QoS is 0) a new message is published (QoS is 0).

{prefix}/gateway/{deviceId}/uplink - information about the bridge node or proxy (contains IP address of the Daemon/Proxy, network ID, … QoS is 1). Whenever the bridge/proxy changes configuration a new message is published.

Note: in MQTT retain flag means the message will be stored on the MQTT Broker until it is cleared by someone. The broker stores only one retained message per topic here always the last published retained message is stored. As soon as a MQTT client connects to the Broker it will send all retained messages of topics to which the client subscribes to.


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