Modules with antenna connector?

Do you guys have any plans for an FCC certified module that does not carry onboard antenna? Or a version that adds RF connector/switch to an existing antenna to allow for external one?

Hi Igoro,

As far as I know, the FCC certification will highly depend on the antenna parameter, so I don’t think it is possible to get such a certification without a well defined antenna.

We don’t currently plan to release a dev board with a sma connector, but I will keep you updated if there is any change.

Thank you,

It’s mostly about antenna gain limits- many other companies have modules on the market that do allow external antennas.
They just have to list what was tested with and the types/gains of them.
Is there maybe something special about being in UWB frequency range that would have to be handled differently though?

Speaking of FCC- are your DWM modules currently certified and what’s the FCC ID?

Hi Igoro,

They will go through FCC certification once release 2 is ready.

Keep an eye on the forum, we’ll make an official announcement as soon as we have FCC.

Thank you,
Best regards