is there a way to generate a library of my hierarchical blocks? It would be nice if I could just drag and drop them from the Symbol & IP Browser.
Best regards, Markus
I would like to make the same request. The answer that was given was that a library of netlists can already be made. But although this works it would still be very nice if a library of .qsch files could be made, each with their .qsym that can be drag-dropped from the browser. There are many use cases, sometimes we like to see the schematic behind a subcircuit, and sometimes we may even want to modify parts of it.
Also, I think there should be an option to select a section or the whole circuit and save it as a macro-schema so that you can then import that section of new circuit. This involves renumbering the element markings.
Technically this is doable - I move the circuit I want to keep as a macro to the side of the main area and save it as a schematic. This saved file I open in Notepad++ and in the editor I edit the names of the element designations, adding to their digital designations the value +100 or +200. Such a file I save, and copy its contents in part to the clipboard. Then I open the file of the new project also in Notepad++ and paste this code from the clipboard. I save such a changed file. After opening in Qspice - they two schematics appear together, so I just move one to the right place. And it works, if there is no collision and error.
Saving the schematic as a macro and being able to add it in Qspice would be a very important new capability in the program, saving a lot of time when redrawing many parts of projects.