Getting Distance From Raspberry Pi

I have forgot the ‘S’, Sorry

hey @brianh,
I have a doubt ,I am still working on this project,and when I run the above code, It’s running fine ,it’s giving the output but the problem is I want the output continuously without stopping in between, but the above code stops when it found any error, also Same is with My DRTLS app, I get the static position but it sleeps for some time and I have to refresh them. Also, the connection response is slow(maybe because this module uses Bluetooth).
Thus If you know any method:-

  1. T get continuous location(distance) output without stopping the code.
    2)that sleeping issue in app.
    3)if the speed of communication could be better.

Thanks a lot

hey @brianh
I want to ask the solution provided by you, is running only 9 to 10 times in a loop, I want that it should run as many times as I wanted.It seems to stop unexpectedly.
Help me out in this,

Hello guys,

When I tried the above step and code. I get my data as @jackman and everything is ok. But when I tried today, first there is an error reported saying permission denied ‘/dev/serial0’ . Then I use config to set up the raspberry pi as about serial such as closing shell and enable serial. But when I run the code again, it stucks and only print ‘connect to /dev/serial0’. When I use debug, I see the code stocks in 'line= DWM.readline()’ .Would anybody help me with this?

Thank you very much.