Gateway cannot join the host server of another gateway

I recently find out that when I am trying to join a gateway to the host server of another gateway, it doesn’t work. Instead there are two individual proxy servers. How can I combine the two servers?

The intended setup is to use one pair of MQTT broker and DWM proxy and multiple DWM daemons which run on multiple gateways. The gateways should connect to that one proxy/broker. Configure the desired proxy in the /etc/dwm1001/dwm1001.config of the gateways that you wish to connect to the proxy/broker. Look for option “proxy_server_host”.


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Thanks for replying, but I have already followed the instruction and set one of the gateway as local host, but it still shows that the IP address of the two proxy servers of the gateways are different.

Hi @Rashford
the configurations files looks fine to me. Just for sure, after each configuration change you need to restart the dwm1001 daemon or reboot the system. Do you still see the problem after system reboot/daemon restart?
