failure at the debug/run of dwm imported project


I was trying to build debug and run the “dwm” imported project from the DWM1001_on-board package.
I have started by mounting the DWM1001 Virtual Machine in the Oracle Virtual Box as described in the “DWM_Firmware_User_Guide.pdf”.
Then, I have imported the “dwm” project example to the eclipse environment as described in the section 4.2.2 of the firmware_User_Guide document.
The build was successful, however while trying to run the project, it showed a message on the console as follows:

(exit value 127) dwm-simple_fw2[c/c++Application] home/dw/workspace/dwm/examples/dwm-simple/dwm-simple_fw2

Is it an error message?
How can I handle that?
Thank you.

Hi! Did you get to debug the project? I’m trying to configure the second instance of SPI to connect an extra IMU but the project not detect the changes

I am having the same problem above, except the errors I am receiving are:

Error: Failed to read memory at 0x10000060
Error: Couldn’t read CONFIGID register
Error: auto_probe failed
Error: Connect failed. Consider setting up a gdb-attach event for the target to prepare target for GDB connect, or use ‘gdb_memory_map disable’.
Error: attempted ‘gdb’ connection rejected

I’ve been trying to figure this out all day. I would love to actually be able to code these little things.