DWM3000EVB stops responding

Hi @carlos.silva!

I think you are right and that I might have a different problem. I already added the fix you suggested, it was suggested in this previous question. However, I now have a different problem where the device freezes and crashes when the connection with the iPhone via UWB is bad but still happening.

00> Here
00> {"TWR": {"R":112,"a16":"0x4c39","S":"ERR","D cm":0}}
00> Here
00> Here
00> {"TWR": {"R":113,"a16":"0x4c39","S":"ERR","D cm":0}}
00> {"TWR": {"R":125,"a16":"0x4c39","S":"ERR","D cm":0}}
00> {"TWR": {"R":126,"a16":"0x4c39","S":"ERR","D cm":0}}
00> {"TWR": {"R":127,"a16":"0x4c39","S":"ERR","D cm":0}}
00> Here
00> {"TWR": {"R":128,"a16":"0x4c39","S":"OK","D cm":377}}
00> {"TWR": {"R":129,"a16":"0x4c39","S":"OK","D cm":376}}
00> {"TWR": {"R":130,"a16":"0x4c39","S":"OK","D cm":379}}
00> {"TWR": {"R":131,"a16":"0x4c39","S":"OK","D cm":386}}
00> {"TWR": {"R":132,"a16":"0x4c39","S":"OK","D cm":390}}
00> Application: Nearby Interaction Beta
00> Target: Tag3
00> OS: FreeRTOS
00> Version: 1.0.0-221012
00> DW3XXX Device Driver Version 06.00.00
00> MAC: R8.2.3_E
00> <info> app: Fast advertising.
00> Here
00> Here

I added a heartbeat task just to make it easier to visualize if the device froze, it prints “Here” every second, but it shouldn’t have an impact on the system. If you have any idea of what’s happening please share it, I would welcome the help.

Best Regards!