DWM3000 EVB API setting up help (Nucleo F429zi)


I currently have a DWM3000 EVB + Nucleo F429ZI (STM32CubeIDE) , and have previously worked with the DWS1000 board for the DWM1000 modules. I have a question regarding setting up the api.

Here is what I have tried so far

  1. Followed the instructions in the power point presentation attached to the API (but cant really find the .elf) file specified.
  2. Tried including the linked libraries and the other api files, compiles without an issue, but the dwt_probe function returns DWT_ERROR (a value of -1, and all subsequent commands end up throwing hard faults)

The peripherals were initiated using STM32 Cube MX ( configuration almost identical to the one provided with the examples) and the code used was the ex00a_reading_dev_id one. The API was sourced from qorvos website (DW3xxx_QM33_CR6.0C)

Any help would be appreciated!
