DWM1001-DEV Question about les command

I am new commer here. A couple of weeks ago, I bought 5pcs of DWM1001-DEV kits and started applying initial setting to them. What I have doen so far is that:

A. Erase firmware and program “DWM1001_PANS_R2.0.hex” to all 5 DWM1001-DEV.
Firmware: https://www.decawave.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/DWM1001_DWM1001-DEV_MDEK1001_Sources_and_Docs_v9.zip

With follwoing settingsin SEGGER J-Flash Lite V7.66
Device: MRF52832_XXAA
Interface: SWD
Speed: 1000 kHz

B. Assigned to 5pcs of DWM1001-DEV with software “Tera Term VT” as following:
1 Initiator
1 Tag
3 Anchor

I used next commnad lines for programing to Initiator, Tag and Anchor.
For Initiator
nis 0x1234
aps 100 100 0

For Tag
nis 0x1234

For Anchor
nis 0x1234
aps 100 100 0

C. After programming, I connected the initiator to my PC and connected USB cable to all other DWM1001-DEV(3 Anchors and 1 Tag) to power on. After done this, I connected Initiator to my PC again and opened sfotware “Tera Term VT” again and typed next command line “si” and next message appeared on my screen、then I can make sure of Initiator has been connected to all Anchors.

[000044.790 INF] sys: fw2 fw_ver=x01030001 cfg_ver=x00010700
[000044.790 INF] uwb0: panid=x1234 addr=xDECA55F4F891431F
[000044.800 INF] mode: ani (act,real)
[000044.800 INF] uwbmac: connected
[000044.800 INF] uwbmac: bh disconnected
[000044.810 INF] cfg: sync=0 fwup=0 ble=1 leds=1 init=1 upd_rate_stat=120 label=DW431F
[000044.820 INF] enc: off
[000044.820 INF] ble: addr=F0:47:7C:D2:32:51

D. I checked all anchors were connected or not with this command line “la” and next messaged showed.

[000611.720 INF] AN: cnt=4 seq=x03
[000611.720 INF] 0) id=DECA55F4F891431F seat=0 seens=0 rssi=-127 cl=0000000F nbr=0000000F pos=0.10:0.10:0.00
[000611.730 INF] 1) id=DECA42CCE9524C86 seat=1 seens=153 rssi=-78 cl=0000000F nbr=00000000 pos=0.10:0.10:0.00
[000611.740 INF] 2) id=DECA742C4F738912 seat=2 seens=120 rssi=-77 cl=0000000F nbr=00000000 pos=0.10:0.10:0.00
[000611.750 INF] 3) id=DECA679742100F27 seat=3 seens=101 rssi=-77 cl=0000000F nbr=00000000 pos=0.10:0.10:0.00
[000611.770 INF]

E. I put next command line “les” to check the ranging from anchor, but nothing appeared.

Please let me know what is wrong with my way of doing this??
Thank you very much for your time and support.

Layout of my Initiator, tag and anchors. I kow that it is in not good position, but I think that still there is some message should be appeared with “les”.

Hi @daizu
i think that the distance between nodes are too close and they should not be placed on the same surface.

However I would expect at least some output from les command.


  • TN node - run si command and check if you have “uwbmac: connected”
  • try increase the TN update - aurs 1 1 (this set it to 10Hz )
  • Increase the distance between anchors - 10cm is very close


Thank you very much for JK.

I have just changed the setting of the aurs for the TAG to aurs 1 1, and typed “les”, however still nothinging appeared on the screen.

dwm> les
dwm> les
dwm> les

With your another advice, I improved my placement of all 3 anchors and 1 initiator. Please find the attachment of my new layout. With this new layout, what I have done is

  1. Programed 1 initator and 3 anchors with “aps” command for new coordination.

For initiator
nis 0x1234
aps 0 0 400

For anchor.
nis 0x1234

For coordinations
aps 400 0 400
aps 0 400 400
aps 800 400 400


  1. I connected the TAG to PC, and checked for the connection. I made sure that it was connected.
    Please see the message below.

dwm> si
[000073.680 INF] sys: fw2 fw_ver=x01030001 cfg_ver=x00010700
[000073.680 INF] uwb0: panid=x1234 addr=xDECAC4ECA2B007A1
[000073.690 INF] mode: tn (act,twr,np,le)
[000073.690 INF] uwbmac: connected
[000073.690 INF] uwbmac: bh disconnected
[000073.700 INF] cfg: sync=0 fwup=0 ble=1 leds=1 le=1 lp=0 stat_det=1 (sens=1) mode=0 upd_rate_norm=1 upd_rate_stat=1 label=DW07A1
[000073.710 INF] enc: off
[000073.720 INF] ble: addr=FF:03:E8:15:5D:23

What is more, I also programmed the setting of aurs 1 1 to the TAG.

  1. Then, I connected INITIATOR again to my PC and typed “la” and had following message appeared.
    So, the all 3 anchors and 1 initator were recognized.

dwm> la
[000078.450 INF] AN: cnt=4 seq=x03
[000078.450 INF] 0) id=DECA55F4F891431F seat=0 seens=0 rssi=-127 cl=00000039 nbr=00000039 pos=0.00:0.00:0.40
[000078.460 INF] 1) id=DECA42CCE9524C86 seat=4 seens=226 rssi=-79 cl=00000039 nbr=00000000 pos=0.00:0.40:0.40
[000078.480 INF] 2) id=DECA679742100F27 seat=5 seens=190 rssi=-80 cl=00000039 nbr=00000000 pos=0.80:0.00:0.40
[000078.490 INF] 3) id=DECA742C4F738912 seat=3 seens=175 rssi=-80 cl=00000039 nbr=00000000 pos=0.80:0.40:0.40
[000078.500 INF]

  1. Then I typed “les”, however nothing appeared.

[000119.240 INF] sys: fw2 fw_ver=x01030001 cfg_ver=x00010700
[000119.240 INF] uwb0: panid=x1234 addr=xDECA55F4F891431F
[000119.250 INF] mode: ani (act,real)
[000119.250 INF] uwbmac: connected
[000119.260 INF] uwbmac: bh disconnected
[000119.260 INF] cfg: sync=0 fwup=0 ble=1 leds=1 init=1 upd_rate_stat=120 label=DW431F
[000119.270 INF] enc: off
[000119.280 INF] ble: addr=F0:47:7C:D2:32:51
dwm> les
dwm> les
dwm> les
dwm> les
dwm> les

I also programmed the aurs 1 1 to the initator to expect the something happens, but even I programmed aurs 1 1, still nothing appeared with “les”.

Thank you for JK, and some of you know, or have experienced this problem, know solution, or even advice anythintgs, please let me know.

Thank you for all of your time and support.

Hi @daizu
just a double check before bigger investigation. You must run the les command on TN - but from your log it looks like that you are running it on ANI - that would not work.
