DWM 1001 custom tag connection issue

Dear support team,
We have created the compact tag modules based on DMW1001 and uploaded the image there (according to p.3.3 of the Firmware User Guide, the android app won’t find these tags (we try them with the MDEK Dev Kit). Do we miss something? Maybe some additional configuration is required? As we understood from datasheets, it is supposed to start working with the android app…
Just for the case I also attach our LED indication

Hi @v.gordeev
the schematics will help here. But you have noted that you can flash the DWM1001 sot MCU is working, do you have an access to shell? If so post here the output of “si” shell command. If not or if it is not working then check the DWM1001 reset line if it is correctly donnected.


Hi, @leapslabs
Thank your for your help! Here is the scematics
Schematics.pdf (41.9 KB)

Hi @v.gordeev
the schematics looks ok, but you shouldn’t use the RT8059 as DCDC you may experience some packet errors or degraded receiver sensitivity - check https://www.decawave.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/DWM1001-DEV_Errata.pdf . But the PCB design looks pretty bad (by observing the picture you have sent + the schematics), please go to see some HW designer to help you with the design. You need to follow the DCDC IC recommended PCB layer form manufacturer! You may experience incredible noise on the power line. If there will be large noise in the power line, then the Bluetooth/UWB might not be able communicate at all.

Regarding your problem) do you have the access to the shell via UART?


Hi, @leapslabs
Thank you for the advice! Is it correct that it could be that the app does not detect the tag because of DCDC noise?
Concerning the UART - yes, we have the access. We thought that it is required only to set up the network with the gateway. Isn’t the tag supposed to be detected by the app via bluetooth just after the programming?

Hi @v.gordeev

Regarding the DCDC noise) It could be and it depends on many variables.

Regarding the shell) It is supposed for anything not just for gateway (which using SPI for communication). The bluetooth feature device could be turned of (even via the BLE) or it could be forced to turn off once the encryption is used. As it is hard to guess what si wrong the access to the shell and output of si command is now very important for me to give you any further advice .
