DW3xxx Zephyr support

Hi all,

I sent a few emails to Qorvo support and nobody answer it. Zephyr is not officially supported yet?

Qorvo launched the first module with Nordic in 2020. As you know Nordic only supports nRF Connect SDK based on Zephyr OS. The old Nordic’s SDK (nRF5) hasn’t been updated since 2021.

I will appreciate the comments and support.

Hi @induthings
Qorvo has never supported Zephyr OS.

However I dont understand your questions. What do you mean with Zephyr support? The PANS SW is based on old Nordic SDK but the PANS SW is closed source and it is not in development anymore.


Qorvo launched the first module with Nordic in 2020. As you know Nordic only supports nRF Connect SDK based on Zephyr OS. The old Nordic’s SDK (nRF5) hasn’t been updated since 2021.

Qorvo is offering a product that is out of touch with Nordic trends and with other chips manufacturers, it is more expensive for small development companies to use these products.

Thanks for your response.

Hi, @induthings , @leapslabs
The latest DWM3001CDK_SDK_Developer_Guide on page 36 :
7.1 Overview
The SDK platform supports FreeRTOS and Zephyr .
So the same question here, what Zephyr support means and how to get it ?
Best Regards, Pasi

Hi @induthings @ikopas
ok I see that we are mixing few stuff here.

DWM1001C + PANS) It is based on the old nordic SDK. This software is provided as it is and unfortunately it is not going to change. There is no planned update for the PANS firmware.

Generic Zephyr support) Im not a Qorvo guy so I cant comment it (simply I dont know the answer).


Thanks JK ! Would any QORVO person know the DWM3001C_SDK status for Zephyr ?

Hi @ikopas ,

There is no SDK zephyr release planned for the moment.
We will inform you if there will be any release planned in the future.


Thanks, we will review the UWB chipset.

Thanks for the quick answer !

Hi @ikopas @induthings
one thing comes to my mind. Zephyr is not officially supported, but in my opinion it should be very easy to make code samples (I don’t mean FiRA) running on Zephyr. There is a BSP for DWM1001 in Zephyr and this can be very easily updated for DWM3001 (just change MCU type and SPI lines). The DW3000 BSP is provided as precompiled but there is an opensource reverse engineered alternative - just search the forum and you should find it quickly. That should be very easy to adjust for Zephyr and then you will be able to run samples.
