Well, I’m at my wits end. I implemented the reference code verbatim from this github link (Single Sided Two Way Ranging - #11 by kashgarim) with no other logic and am getting the same, if not worse, range results. I’m making sure the reset line is not being pulled high. The handshake is being completed on both sides with no extra delays. Clock ratios are good at less than 2ppm, but range numbers are all over the place:
Reception # : 1
cr: 1.150255e-06
Distance : 577037.312500
Reception # : 2
cr: 1.414464e-06
Distance : 1055935.125000
Reception # : 3
cr: 1.622507e-06
Distance : 732009.187500
Reception # : 4
cr: 1.887862e-06
Distance : 885728.687500