Custom location engine with the Gauss-Newton method

No se si has llegado a conseguir lo del funcionamiento del gateway. Si es asi no se si podrías compartirlo ya que estaría bastante interesado y no controlo mucho el gateway.

Enhorabuena por el trabajo, Un saludo

@Fdiaz … could you be so kind and contact me on… I have a custom project I would like to discuss with you


Hi Fdiaz

First, thank you for all the information that you shared. I am trying to do a custom gateway and since you managed the operation of the gateway, can you share some of these?
Acctualy, I am waiting for the MDEK kit (stock issues) and I am trying to do the maximum without the DWM in my hands. When it arrives, my idea is use a SPI sniffer between RPi and DWM to learn about the process of uplink and downlink.

Best Regards,